ANMC celebrates its hardworking, talented nursing staff during National Nurses’ Week
May 3, 2019
Clockwise from left to right: Joyce Martin, Matthew Brown, Mary Krusen and Meg Mapili.
ANMC’s nurses display their commitment and excellence through professional development and evidence-based practice when caring for our people. In addition to their work and education, many of ANMC’s nurses participate in shared governance, on councils that consult and collaborate with each other to make the best decisions to successfully facilitate and ensure quality patient care and outcomes.
In May, ANMC celebrates and thanks our nurses during National Nurses’ Week, from May 6, National Nurses Day, through May 12, the birthday of Florence Nightingale, the founder of modern nursing.
ANMC nurses are known for going above and beyond in their work. More than 600 nurses work in the ANMC hospital and across the Consortium, making up nearly a quarter of our workforce. Our nurses are viewed as respected partners, collaborators and leaders. They are constantly seeking ways to improve the services and care we provide, from processes and initiatives to technology and equipment. Many of our nurses continually strive to strengthen and expand their own skills, as well. More than 225 ANMC nurses have national specialty certifications, with many nurses holding multiple certifications.
In an effort to further recognize our nurses for their outstanding work, ANMC partnered with the DAISY Award, an international program that rewards and celebrates the extraordinary clinical skill and compassionate care given by nurses every day. ANMC presents the DAISY Award quarterly to a RN who regularly goes above and beyond in the care they provide. The DAISY Foundation was established in 1999 by the family of J. Patrick Barnes, who died of complications of the autoimmune disease Idiopathic Thrombocytopenia Purpura. DAISY is an acronym for Diseases Attacking the Immune SYstem.
2018 DAISY Award Honorees
Matthew Brown, Inpatient Surgery Unit RN
Matthew Brown was nominated by Dr. Patricia Kloser, ANMC Hospitalist, for his exceptional care of a patient. Dr. Kloser wrote, “This is one amazing nurse! When told that his patient was lonely, he started to spend more time in the patient’s room. He would often just do charting there or would stop in to offer a snack. He helped to make a motivational calendar with artwork to encourage ambulation, out of bed and oral intake. The patient has gone from sad and depressed to smiling and engaged with eagerness to walk, snack ad get out of bed. The skill and quiet competence of this nurse are extraordinary and have made all the difference in helping this seriously ill man achieve his wish to go home to Nome and his family. Thank you for helping this patient!”
Brown has worked at ANMC since September 2017, where he started as a Medical Clerk on the Inpatient Surgery Unit as he was preparing to take his nursing exam. In January 2018, Brown started as a nurse on the Inpatient Surgery Unit.
Joyce Martin, SWAT RN, Central Nursing Office
Martin was nominated by two of her fellow nurses for her exceptional nursing and patient care, specifically for the way she handled a Code Blue (adult medical emergency) call on the unit she was working on.
One of her nominators wrote, “Joyce has always been an amazing nurse and goes above and beyond to help her coworkers out. She is always at the right place at the right time and always has a positive attitude. She does things without being asked and is always kind and compassionate toward patients and their families. The other night there was a code blue and she was the first to find the patient and kept her cool while comforting the patient in his last moments. She knew how to handle the situation and followed through with all the postmortem paperwork and what not. Joyce was a SWAT nurse that night and had no obligation to do everything she did but did it anyways without hesitation. She even talked to and comforted the family when she came in. Joyce is one of a kind and always brightens up whatever unit she is on.”
Martin has worked as SWAT RN at ANMC since 2015. She also previously worked on inpatient unit 5 East from 2003-2005.
Mary Krusen, Intermittent RN on 5 West and Infusion Clinic
Mary Krusen received two nominations, one from a colleague and one from a patient. Krusen has worked as an RN at ANMC for five years.
One of Krusen’s fellow nurses who nominated her, wrote: “Mary saved my patient from respiratory distress – she called a rapid response and stayed, helping give my patient meds for a long time, even with her own patient load. During this time, I was simultaneously providing care to a critically ill patient in the next bed over in the same room. Mary deserves to be the DAISY Award winner. Mary went above and beyond the call of duty.”
Krusen’s patient, who also nominated her, wrote: “Mary saved my life on May 24, 2018. We walked every day. This day I couldn’t. Mary was very concerned and knew something was terribly wrong. She insisted the doctor get me to imaging and sure enough I had to have immediate surgery and stop my chemotherapy. My cancer had attached to my small intestine. Mary is a nurse that goes beyond the extra mile. She is compassionate, caring and great at her job in every way. The walks with her kept me in great spirits. Thank you, Mary, for my life.”
Meg Mapili, Inpatient Pediatrics RN
Meg Mapili was nominated by a patient’s mother, who wrote: “My son has Type 1 diabetes. He was admitted to the unit. Meg was my son’s nurse. My son had a strong connection with Meg and he would light up when he saw her. Not only did Meg ease and calm my son during rough days of insulin injections. She helped me emotionally, clearly stating that it wasn’t my fault and that indeed I am a good mom for catching this disease early. Meg was extremely patient with us both as we learned of this huge lifestyle change. She was there every step of the way. She’s a gem and an amazing teacher.”
Mapili has been a nurse at ANMC for seven years.
Nominate a DAISY Award Honoree
Patients, their families and fellow ANMC staff can nominate nurses for DAISY Awards. Nomination forms and collection boxes have been placed throughout the ANMC hospital.
Subsequent honorees will be selected quarterly and each DAISY Award honoree will be recognized at a public ceremony in her or his unit or department. For more information about the DAISY Award program, please visit www.DAISYfoundation. org. For questions about nominating an ANMC nurse, please email Kimberley Carr at