Community Environment & Health

Rural Alaska communities are changing. Shifts in social, economic and environmental conditions are affecting individual health and quality of life for Alaska Native people. ANTHC works with the Tribal health system, government at the local and regional level, and public and private organizations to understand local changes and to develop strategies that encourage wellness, resilience and sustainability.

Air & Healthy Homes

Working with Tribal partners to address air quality and healthy homes issues in their communities


An annual gathering that brings together Tribes, non-profits, and state and federal organizations for a week of environmental conversations

Capacity & Training

Building capacity to enhance local environmental management

Contaminated Sites Program

Supporting Alaska Tribal partners to assess, manage and monitor contamination affecting land, food and water in their communities.

Emergency Preparedness

Supporting the preparedness of the Alaska Tribal Health System.

Environmental Health Services

Working with Tribal partners and communities to help prevent illness and injury and promote the health and well-being of Alaska Native people

Health Facilities Engineering

Providing partners assistance with master planning, design, construction and project management


Resources for all Community Environment and Health programs

Tribal Water Center

Partnering with communities and Tribes across Alaska to ensure communities have safe and sustainable water services.